Monday, October 3, 2011

Don't get left out in the cold...

I couldn't resist, it's just too funny.
The image comes from
I am getting over my second cold in one month and it's only the beginning of October! Hopefully, this is just a tune-up for my immune system. If you are leaning in the direction of natural remedies, you will love this post. Here is what you need to arm yourself against the armies of winter bugs. You don't need everything, but it's a good idea to have a few basics on hand. Take a look at my must have list and choose from the larger list as needed.

Aside from the list below, consider getting a netti pot, use a good probiotic and eat plenty of seasonal foods from your local farmers market.

These you need on hand:
Mullein Garlic Oil - put a few drops in both ears at the first sign of a sore throat and nasal or ear congestion. During an active infection apply several times a day. This is the number one remedy for throat and ear infections in my house.
Oregano Oil - mix 10 drops in two tablespoons of coconut oil and rub on the bottom of feet at first sign of a cold. If you are already sick, apply 3 times a day.
Echinacea & Goldenseal Tincture - one dropperful 3 times a day anytime during a cold.
Black Elderberry Tincture - the best flu fighter. Don't get the syrup, it's full of sugar.
Beladonna 30C homeopathic remedy - take when your fever goes over 103. This remedy knocks it back to about 100.5, where your immune system can deal with the pathogen.
Arsenicum Album 30C homeopathic remedy - this is the magic bullet for stomach flu, or anytime you are either throwing up or have diarrhea.
Raw buckwheat honey - sore throats, irritated noses, achey tummies...
Vitamin D - makes your immune system smarter!
Vitamin C - makes your immune syster a harder worker!
... and finally, probiotics, probiotics and more probiotics, preferably in the form of probiotic foods, such as real yogurt, kefir, cultured veggies or their juices.

Cold & Flu Natural Remedies
Cold Tea Recipe
For a good "cold tea," combine equal parts of elder (Sambucus nigra), peppermint (Mentha piperita), and yarrow (Achillea millefolium) and steep 1 to 2 tsp of the mixture in 1 cup hot water. Take it hot just before going to bed. This will induce a sweat, and if the cold is caught early enough, may stop it altogether. Even if it is too late for this it will still be very useful. This tea can help the body handle fever and reduce achiness, congestion, and inflammation. They may be taken with a pinch of mixed spice and a little honey to soothe a painful throat.
Other herbs that may be added to the infusion include: Cayenne, cinnamon, ginger.
Caution: Peppermint tea may interfere with the beneficial action of homoeopathic remedies.

Herbal Fever Remedy
1 ounce dried Elder Flowers
1 ounce dried Peppermint Leaves
½ pint distilled water
Mix the herbs. Place in a quart saucepan. Pour 1/2 pints of distilled boiling water over it. Cover and allow to steep in a hot place for 10 to 15 minutes (do not boil). When ready, strain into another saucepan. Sweeten with honey if desired.

This remedy drops high temperature associated with flu quite effectively. In some cases, the temperature has been reduced from 104 to 99 degrees within two hours!! According to Dr. Dr. Edward E. Shook, well known herbalist, "there is no remedy for colds and fevers of any description equal to this simple life-saving formula.

Ginger Tea
In both ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is considered the best home remedy for colds. Drink a cup of ginger tea several times (at least 3 times) a day.  Ginger contains a dozen antiviral compounds. And it tastes good. To make a tea, add 1 heaping teaspoon of grated fresh gingerroot to 1 cup of boiled water. Allow to steep for 10 minutes. If you use dried ginger powder use 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon of powdered ginger per cup.

Royal Herbal Tea For Severe Colds
Useful to treat severe cold symptoms.
1 cup - dried pennyroyal
1 cup - dried catnip
1 cup - dried horehound
1 cup - dried spearmint
1 cup - dried sage
1 cup - dried verbena
1 cup - dried white yarrow
Honey to taste.
Mix the herbs. Pour 1 pint of boiling water over 2-1/2 tablespoons of the herb mix. Cover and let stand 10 minutes. Strain. Sweeten with honey.
Reheat and drink 1 cup every 2-3 hours. Use more often if sweating is desired.

The herbs you can get as  tinctures, available at your local health food store. Look for organic products, as conventional ones can be heavily contaminated.
Echinacea - Echinacea is considered to be an immune stimulant. It appears to activate the body's infection-fighting capacity.
Ginger - Ginger contains nearly a dozen antiviral compounds. Scientists have isolated several chemicals (sesquiterpenes) in ginger that have specific effects against the most common family of cold viruses, the rhinoviruses. Some of these chemicals are remarkably potent in their anti-rhinovirus effects.
Other constituents in ginger, gingerols and shogaols, help relieve cold symptoms because they reduce pain and fever, suppress coughing and have a mild sedative effect that encourages rest.
Onion - Onion is a close to garlic biologically and contains many similar antiviral chemicals.
Steep raw onion slices overnight in honey. Take the resulting mixture at intervals like a cough syrup. You can also use more onions in cooking whenever you have a cold.
Anise - Commission E in Germany recommended aniseed as an expectorant for getting rid of phlegm. In large doses, it also has some antiviral benefits.
Make a tea by steeping one to two teaspoons of crushed aniseed in a cup or two of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Then strain it. Anise is often chewed by Asian Indians after their meals. It is also one of the ingredients used in "Indian Chai."
Goldenseal - Goldenseal increases the blood supply to the spleen, an organ that's the staging area for the fighting cells of your immune system. It is antiseptic and immune stimulating.
The major healing component in goldenseal, berberine, activates special white blood cells (macrophages) that are responsible for destroying bacteria, fungi, viruses and tumor cells. Several related chemicals in the herb appear to help the berberine do its job.
Licorice - Licorice contains antiviral compounds that induce the release of interferons, the body's own antiviral constituents.
Marsh mallow and other mallows - Marsh mallow has been used for thousands of years as a soothing herb for cold-related cough and sore throat and other respiratory conditions. Marsh mallow roots contain a spongy material called mucilage that soothes inflamed mucous membranes.
Seneca snakeroot - Seneca snakeroot is used as an expectorant for reducing upper respiratory phlegm in Germany. To make a tea, use about one teaspoon per cup of boiling water. (This herb is also recommended for treatment of bronchitis and emphysema.)
Slippery elm - Slippery elm bark contains large quantities of a mucilage that acts as an effective throat soother and cough suppressant.

Cold and flu symptoms often respond well to homeopathic remedies. Take the remedy that best matches your symptoms. Coffee, peppermint, essential oils and pharmaceuticals will interfere with homeopathic medications.
Oscillococcinum - At the very first sign of a cold, take 1/3 tube of Oscillococcinum, as directed on the product label, three times daily for one day. Then, during the acute phase of the flu, take one dose of one of the symptom-specific homeopathic remedies below three to four times daily for three days. If there is no improvement at all after three doses of a remedy, it is unlikely that it will do anything more. If you feel better before three days have passed, stop taking the remedy.
Aconite is often prescribed when you have a barking cough, a burning sore throat, and a bitter taste that lingers in your mouth.
Allium cepa is often prescribed when your runny nose feels as though it burns, your eyes water constantly, and you sneeze often. This is homeopathic red onion. It is recommended if your cold makes you feel even worse than you do when you are chopping a strong onion.
Arsenicum album is indicated iIf you feel chilly, restless, and weak. ( 30x or 9c.) This remedy is for the individual who, feels worse in a cold room but wants something cold to drink. You probably have a red nose and runny nasal secretions that burn the nose and upper lip. You generally want to be left alone, but like a bit of attention every once in a while.
Belladonna is called for if there is high fever and a headache.
Bryonia is indicated when the cold has moved into the chest and has become largely a cough
Eupatorium 12x or 6c is indicated when you have a severe aching deep in the bones and a feeling of being sore all over.
Gelsemium may help if you have chills, aching arms and legs, and fatigue, or if your throat hurts. you have heavy, droopy eyes; feel weak and tired, with aches and chills up and down your back; and want to be alone. (30x or 9c)
Kali bichromium is given at the later stages of a cold. It is also good for sinus headaches and blocked sinuses with nasal discharge.
Mercurius solubilis: If the cold is accompanied by a sore throat that resists treatment, take Mercurius solubilis 12x or 6c three times daily until the symptoms are resolved.
Nux vomica is indicated if you feel irritable and have a runny nose that becomes congested at night.
Pulsatilla: This remedy is often prescribed if you have a stuffy nose and thick yellow discharge. (30x or 9c). You feel worse at night, prefer to be outdoors, and want comfort and attention.
Spongia is often recommended for harsh coughs.
Ferrum phosphoricum is often taken to prevent a cold. Take one dose (6x) every morning during cold season.