Friday, January 13, 2012

How sweet is it?

In 1700 an average American consumed 3 pounds of sugar per year, today an average American consumes 180 pounds. Why does it matter? Well, in 1700s, of every 100,000 people only 3 had diabetes, now out 100,000, eight thousand people are afflicted with the disease. Think about it... We are making ourselves sick.

It doesn't stop there. Sugar causes premature aging, making your skin less elastic and saggy. It feeds cancer cells, damages our organs and makes us fat. That's right, it's not fat that's making us fat, it's sugar.

Sugar hides in the most unexpected places. One Arizona ice tea packs a whopping 12 teaspoons of sugar and if you are eating a California Pizza Kitchen Thai chicken salad, you are eating 11 teaspoons of sugar. It doesn't matter if it is a whole wheat bread or an energy bar—it's all sugar to your body.

If you promised yourself to get healthier this year, start here. Kick your sugar habit. You don't have to stop eating sweets, but if you choose wisely, you will see a remarkable difference in your health, energy levels, sleep, your ability to handle stress and you will look great!

All sugars are not created equal. Natural sugars, such as raw, unfiltered honey or maple syrup are instantly accepted by your body as food, on the other hand, refined and artificial sugars are treated as poison. Start with switching to natural, unrefined sweeteners.

Natural Sweeteners

Raw, unfiltered honey
Maple syrup
Maple sugar
Brown rice syrup
Date sugar
Unsulfured, organic molasses
Barley malt

Here is a sugar detox plan that has helped many of my clients to kick the sugar addiction.

Sugar Detox

Week 1
Introduce natural sugars into your diet
Focus on raw honey and maple syrup
Learn how to recognize sugars on labels

Week 2
Eliminate refined and artificial sweeteners
Use natural sweeteners only
Reduce fruit consumption
Cut out soda and fruit juices

Week 3
Eliminate “white foods”
Watch your starchy veggie intake
Drastically cut back on flour-based products

The Rules

No half measures
You can’t wean off a sugar addiction.
It will take 14 days for you to stop craving sugar.

Set your mind
Know what you are doing and why.
It will take 6 weeks for you to stop wanting sugar.

Find an alternative
What will you have instead of chocolate cake?

Keep a journal
Record what you ate, how you felt emotionally and physically.
Do it daily.

Realize that you are not alone
Report daily to someone
Get a friend to do it with you
Work with a coach
Join a support group

This will not be easy, but the rewards are amazing. If you do one thing for yourself this year, do this.

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